Machine Learning: A Step By Step Guide from Beginner To Expert (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced)

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Machine Learning is a sub-area of artificial intelligence, whereby the term refers to the ability of IT systems to independently find solutions to problems by recognizing patterns in databases.
Machine Learning enables IT systems to recognize patterns on the basis of existing algorithms and data sets and to develop adequate solution concepts. Therefore, in Machine Learning, artificial knowledge is generated on the basis of experience.

This guidebook is going to take some time to explore machine learning, and what it is all about. There are so many different aspects of machine learning and how to make it work for your needs, and all of it is found in this guidebook. Some of the different topics that you will be able to learn about inside include:

Machine Learning Applications

Artificial Intelligence

The Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

Machine learning Myths

Big Data Analytics

Important Big Data Applications

Big Data Analysis Tools

How companies use Big Data

Trends in Big Data Analysis

Data mining and applications

How to classify data mining systems

Building a Neural Network in R

Fitting a Neural Network

Machine Learning Projects & more……

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